- preselling
- • реклама товара до его появления в продаже• рекламирующий товар до его появления в продаже
English-Russian dictionary of Arts . 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of Arts . 2014.
presell — transitive verb (presold; selling) Date: 1947 1. to precondition (as a customer) for subsequent purchase or create advance demand for (as a product) especially through marketing strategies 2. to sell in advance < raised money to publish the book… … New Collegiate Dictionary
presell — /pree sel /, v.t., presold, preselling. to sell in advance, as before manufacture or construction: to presell a planned house. [1945 50; PRE + SELL1] * * * … Universalium
ПРЕСЕЛЛИНГ — Реклама товара до его появления в продаже; предварительная обработка рынка рекламой (англ. preselling) Словарь бизнес терминов. Академик.ру. 2001 … Словарь бизнес-терминов
presell — UK [priːˈsel] / US [ˌprɪˈsel] verb [transitive] Word forms presell : present tense I/you/we/they presell he/she/it presells present participle preselling past tense presold past participle presold business to agree to sell a house, car, or other… … English dictionary
presell — [prē sel′] vt. presold, preselling to sell (something or the rights to something) before the thing exists in finished form [to presell condo units in order to finance their construction] … English World dictionary